Results for 'Otniel A. Kish'

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  1.  36
    The Dark Side of Status at Work: Perceived Status Importance, Envy, and Interpersonal Deviance.Niki A. den Nieuwenboer, Jennifer J. Kish-Gephart, Linda K. Treviño, Ann C. Peng & Iris Reychav - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (2):261-295.
    Organizations differ in the extent to which they emphasize the importance of status, yet most extant research on the role of status at work has utilized a limited view of status as merely a matter of a person’s status rank. In contrast, we examine people’s perceptions of the extent to which having status matters in their work context and explore the behavioral implications of such perceptions. We offer a new construct, perceived status importance, defined as employees’ subjective assessment of the (...)
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    Deconstructing the “Two Factors”: The Historical Origins of the Schachter–Singer Theory of Emotions.Otniel E. Dror - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (1):7-16.
    In this contribution, I interrogate the historical-intellectual narrative that dominates the history of the Schachter–Singer two-factor theory of emotion. In the first part, I propose that a social influence model became generalized to a cognitive view. I argue that Schachter and Singer presented a cognitive theory of emotions in enacting inside the laboratory Schachter’s preceding “social influence” model of emotions and that Schachter’s adoption of a cognitive model of emotion was driven by and was necessary for his previous research on (...)
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    Author Reply: Is Cannon’s Theory (Only) a “Centralized” Version of James’s?Otniel E. Dror - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):48-49.
    In this reply, I focus on the question of whether Cannon’s theory was (only) a “centralized” version of James’s. Due to space limitations, I briefly present six observations that problematize this assertion. One of my guiding principles is that theories acquire their meaning within a particular context. From this historical perspective, and in their historical contexts, the theories were quite distinct.
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    The Cannon–Bard Thalamic Theory of Emotions: A Brief Genealogy and Reappraisal.Otniel E. Dror - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):13-20.
    In this contribution, I examine several key publications on the physiology of emotions from the 1860s to the 1930s. I focus on physiologists who studied the emotions prior to and following William James’s 1884 Mind article, by critically reflecting on the conceptual and practical origins and constituents of the Cannon–Bard thalamic theory of emotions. I offer a historical corrective to several major assumptions in our histories of the scientific study of emotions.
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  5. Neither Human Normativity nor Human Groupness Are in Humanity’s Genes: A Commentary on Cecilia Heyes’s “Rethinking Norm Psychology.”.Kati Kish Bar-On & Ehud Lamm - 2023 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 20.
    Heyes presents a compelling account of how cultural evolutionary processes shape and create “rules,” or norms, of social behavior. She suggested that normativity depends on implicit, genetically inherited, domain-general processes and explicit, culturally inherited, domain-specific processes. Her approach challenges the nativist point of view and provides supporting evidence that shows how social interactions are responsible for creating mental processes that assist in understanding and behaving according to rules or norms. We agree. In our commentary, we suggest that it is not (...)
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    Explorers' Maps. Chapters in the Cartographic Record of Geographical DiscoveryR. A. Skelton.George Kish - 1960 - Isis 51 (1):96-97.
  7.  19
    A Women's History Report Card on Hillary Rodham Clinton's Presidential Primary Campaign, 2008.Kathryn Kish Sklar - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):315-322.
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  8. Reclaiming freedom through prefigurative politics.Kaitlin Kish - 2019 - In Christopher J. Orr & Kaitlin Kish, Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  9. Towards a new philosophical perspective on Hermann Weyl’s turn to intuitionism.Kati Kish Bar-On - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (1):51-68.
    The paper explores Hermann Weyl’s turn to intuitionism through a philosophical prism of normative framework transitions. It focuses on three central themes that occupied Weyl’s thought: the notion of the continuum, logical existence, and the necessity of intuitionism, constructivism, and formalism to adequately address the foundational crisis of mathematics. The analysis of these themes reveals Weyl’s continuous endeavor to deal with such fundamental problems and suggests a view that provides a different perspective concerning Weyl’s wavering foundational positions. Building on a (...)
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  10.  81
    The Interplay of Social Identity and Norm Psychology in the Evolution of Human Groups.Kati Kish Bar-On & Ehud Lamm - 2023 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378 (20210412).
    People’s attitudes towards social norms play a crucial role in understanding group behavior. Norm psychology accounts focus on processes of norm internalization that influence people’s norm following attitudes but pay considerably less attention to social identity and group identification processes. Social identity theory in contrast studies group identity but works with a relatively thin and instrumental notion of social norms. We argue that to best understand both sets of phenomena, it is important to integrate the insights of both approaches. Social (...)
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  11.  23
    Christian Conte, Walking Through Anger.Serhiy Kish - 2022 - Pro-Fil 23 (2):30-31.
    Book review: Christian Conte, Walking Through Anger: A New Design for Confronting Conflict in an Emotionally Charged World. Sounds True, 2019, 232 p.
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    Problém s obhajobou svobodné vůle za pomoci dat první osoby.Sergej Kish - 2022 - Filosofie Dnes 14 (1).
    Text obhajuje názor, že tzv. argumenty první osoby pro svobodnou vůli nesplňují vysoký epistemický standard, a proto není vhodné jimi dokazovat existenci svobody vůle. V první části je krátce uvedena problematika svobodné vůle a charakterizace skupiny důkazů, které její existenci obhajují odkazem na lidské prožívání svobodného rozhodování. V druhé části argumentu je vylíčeno, jak se idea svobodné vůle projevuje na každodenním lidském fungování a jaký má dopad na lidský blahobyt. Třetí část textu obhajuje tvrzení, že kvůli spojení svobodné vůle s (...)
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    Is the Mind a Scientific Object of Study? Lessons from History.Otniel E. Dror - 2004 - In Christina E. Erneling, The Mind As a Scientific Object: Between Brain and Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 101.
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  14.  24
    New American World: A Documentary History of North America to 1612David B. Quinn Alison M. Quinn Susan Hillier.George Kish - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):346-347.
  15.  60
    De-medicalizing the Medical Humanities.Otniel E. Dror - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):317-326.
    In this essay I argue that the integration of the humanities into “medical humanities” has implicitly medicalized the humanities. This medicalization of the humanities suppresses those dimensions of the humanities that can most significantly contribute to medicine. I present my argument by studying the critical and crucial gap between the humanities as they are presented and taught in the context of medical schools, often as a set of skills, sensitivities, and competencies, and the humanities as they are experienced and lived (...)
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  16. Connecting the revolutionary with the conventional: Rethinking the differences between the works of Brouwer, Heyting, and Weyl.Kati Kish Bar-On - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (3):580–602.
    Brouwer’s intuitionism was a far-reaching attempt to reform the foundations of mathematics. While the mathematical community was reluctant to accept Brouwer’s work, its response to later-developed brands of intuitionism, such as those presented by Hermann Weyl and Arend Heyting, was different. The paper accounts for this difference by analyzing the intuitionistic versions of Brouwer, Weyl, and Heyting in light of a two-tiered model of the body and image of mathematical knowledge. Such a perspective provides a richer account of each story (...)
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  17.  24
    Counting the Affects: Discoursing in Numbers.Otniel Dror - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
    In this essay, I examine the genealogy of the numeral transformation of emotions from its earliest beginnings in the late nineteenth century. My main thesis is that the historical encounter between emotion and number should not be viewed solely as a particular instantiation of more general trends in the development of objectifying, quantifying, or trust-building technologies. Rather, emotion-as-number provided an alternative medium for the circulation and expression of emotions in a culture that emphasized restraint. It also empowered the experimenter to (...)
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  18.  24
    Comment: Historians in the Emotion Laboratory.Otniel E. Dror - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):191-192.
    In this comment, I indicate several challenges and opportunities—out of the many—for an integrated science–humanities approach to emotions, from the perspective of a historian of the modern science...
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  19.  7
    Cicero’s Ad Familiares Book Four and the Hermeneutics of the Pro Marcello.Nathan Kish - 2024 - Classical Antiquity 43 (2):364-409.
    Regarding Cicero’s “sincerity” in the Pro Marcello (46 BCE), interpretative ore resides in Ad familiares 4.4, an artfully composed letter to Servius Sulpicius from fall 46, preserved in a posthumously edited letter-book (Ad familiares Book 4) about civil war and its aftermath. In these minor-key renditions of the dramatic senate scene, Caesar’s pardon of Marcellus, and Cicero’s subsequent speech of thanks, darker themes evoke dissonant, despondent voicings, and Cicero’s response to Caesar’s act rings less sincere than ironic. Read in this (...)
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  20.  73
    Situational Moral Disengagement: Can the Effects of Self-Interest be Mitigated? [REVIEW]Jennifer Kish-Gephart, James Detert, Linda Klebe Treviño, Vicki Baker & Sean Martin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (2):1-19.
    Self-interest has long been recognized as a powerful human motive. Yet, much remains to be understood about the thinking behind self-interested pursuits. Drawing from multiple literatures, we propose that situations high in opportunity for self-interested gain trigger a type of moral cognition called moral disengagement that allows the individual to more easily disengage internalized moral standards. We also theorize two countervailing forces—situational harm to others and dispositional conscientiousness—that may weaken the effects of personal gain on morally disengaged reasoning. We test (...)
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  21.  27
    Enduring, Strategizing, and Rising Above: Workplace Dignity Threats and Responses Across Job Levels.Jacqueline Tilton, Kristen Lucas, Jennifer J. Kish-Gephart & Justin K. Kent - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (2):353-374.
    Despite a growing body of literature focused on understanding experiences of workplace dignity, attention has centered almost exclusively on employees with lower-level jobs. As a result, little is known about how workplace dignity and indignity are experienced by employees with middle- and upper-level jobs and how their experiences differ from those with lower-level jobs. We address these absences by interviewing employees from a diversity of lower-, middle-, and upper-level jobs about their experiences of indignity at work. We outline common dignity (...)
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  22.  85
    From Philosophical Traditions to Scientific Developments: Reconsidering the Response to Brouwer’s Intuitionism.Kati Kish Bar-On - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1–25.
    Brouwer’s intuitionistic program was an intriguing attempt to reform the foundations of mathematics that eventually did not prevail. The current paper offers a new perspective on the scientific community’s lack of reception to Brouwer’s intuitionism by considering it in light of Michael Friedman’s model of parallel transitions in philosophy and science, specifically focusing on Friedman’s story of Einstein’s theory of relativity. Such a juxtaposition raises onto the surface the differences between Brouwer’s and Einstein’s stories and suggests that contrary to Einstein’s (...)
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  23.  54
    Edward Shorter;, David Healy. Shock Therapy: A History of Electroconvulsive Treatment in Mental Illness. xii + 384 pp., illus., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. $45. [REVIEW]Otniel Dror - 2009 - Isis 100 (3):688-690.
  24.  5
    The Feeling “Without Any Name”.Otniel E. Dror - 2025 - Emotion Review 17 (1):16-18.
    In this commentary, I briefly present in chronological order several historical developments which can explain some of the confusions with respect to arousal that have become entrenched in the contemporary debate. These historical developments include: Immanuel Kant's eighteenth-century division of the affects into sthenic vs. asthenic; the emergence of modern conceptions of pleasure and displeasure in the West; the nineteenth-century alignment of pleasure and displeasure with “sthenic” and “asthenic” in psycho-physiology; the early-twentieth-century disruption of this nineteenth-century alignment; the establishment of (...)
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  25. Introduction.Bruce Jennings, Kaitlin Kish & Christopher J. Orr - 2019 - In Christopher J. Orr & Kaitlin Kish, Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  26.  20
    Obligations to whom, obligations to what? A philosophical perspective on the objects of our obligations.Kati Kish Bar-On - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e58.
    Tomasello strives to understand the underlying psychology behind the human sense of obligation, but he only addresses a specific kind of obligation: to other human beings. We argue that in order to account for the psychological underpinning of human behavior, one should also consider people's sense of commitment to non-human entities, such as ideals, values, and moral principles.
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    Modelers of students’ entrepreneurial intention during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic times: The role of entrepreneurial university environment.Simona Mihaela Trif, Gratiela Georgiana Noja, Mirela Cristea, Cosmin Enache & Otniel Didraga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the shaping factors, drivers, and impact credentials of students’ entrepreneurial intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed framework addresses the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention among students in Romania, focusing on three focal constructs, namely, risk-taking, proactiveness, and innovativeness, with a keen focus on the mediation effect of the entrepreneurial university environment. The study used self-reported data collected through an online questionnaire during November 2020–February 2021 from a sample of 1,411 students in western Romania. The methodology relies on (...)
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  28.  56
    Personality disorder symptomatology is associated with anomalies in striatal and prefrontal morphology.Doris E. Payer, Min Tae M. Park, Stephen J. Kish, Nathan J. Kolla, Jason P. Lerch, Isabelle Boileau & M. Mallar Chakravarty - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:154989.
    Personality disorder symptomatology (PD-Sx) can result in personal distress and impaired interpersonal functioning, even in the absence of a clinical diagnosis, and is frequently comorbid with psychiatric disorders such as substance use, mood, and anxiety disorders; however, they often remain untreated, and are not taken into account in clinical studies. To investigate brain morphological correlates of PD-Sx, we measured subcortical volume and shape, and cortical thickness/surface area, based on structural magnetic resonance images. We investigated 37 subjects who reported PD-Sx exceeding (...)
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    A Rylands cuneiform tablet concerning the conquest of Kish under Agga by Gilgamesh.T. Fish - 1935 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 19 (2):362-372.
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    Kish Excavations 1923-1933. With a Microfiche Catalogue of the Objects in Oxford Excavated by the Oxford-Field Museum, Chicago. Expedition to Kish in Iraq, 1923-1933. [REVIEW]Norman Yoffee & P. R. S. Moorey - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):198.
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  31.  26
    Christopher J. Orr, Kaitlin Kish and Bruce Jennings (eds), Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet.Jason Lambacher - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (2):258-260.
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  32.  34
    Expectations of Parents from Sect-Based Islamic Religion Lessons in Schools in Germany: The Baden-Württemberg Case.Şenay Yazgan - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):375-393.
    With the start of teaching the sect-based Islamic religion lesson in public schools within the scope of a pilot project in Germany, the development and efforts are continuing to ensure that the course can be given both as a lesson in accordance with the constitution and in accordance with the wishes and expecta-tions of Muslims. Since the Islamic religion lesson is still in the process of formation, one of the most curious points is what the expectations of Muslim families from (...)
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  33. Poznavatelnii︠a︡t t︠s︡ikŭl: sŭshtnost i struktura.Mitri︠u︡ I︠A︡nkov - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    A brain signature for acute pain.A. Vania Apkarian - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (7):309-310.
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    Shapeliness a clue to aesthetics.A. MacC Armstrong - 1987 - British Journal of Aesthetics 27 (1):1-8.
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    Pami︠a︡tʹ kak obʺekt i instrument iskusstvoznanii︠a︡.E. A. Bobrinskai︠a︡ & A. S. Korndorf (eds.) - 2016 - Moskva: Gosudarstvennyĭ institut iskusstvoznanii︠a︡.
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    Lekari︠a︡t, pat︠s︡ientŭt, obshtestvoto: pravata na choveka i profesionalnata otgovornost na lekari︠a︡ v instrumenti na mezhdunarodni organizat︠s︡ii.Boris Boi︠a︡dzhiev, Silvii︠a︡ Tomova & Georgi Onchev (eds.) - 1994 - [Bulgaria?]: Fondat︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Nevronauki i povedenie".
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    Istorii︠a︡ izuchenii︠a︡ Azii: novye otkrytii︠a︡. Ot Serebri︠a︡nogo veka russkoĭ kulʹtury k sovremennosti.A. A. Bondarenko & V. L. Melʹnikov (eds.) - 2014 - Sankt-Peterburg: Redakt︠s︡ionno-izdatel'skiĭ sovet Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo muzei︠a︡-instituta sem'i Rerikhov.
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  39. Selective reduction of pregnancy: a legal analysis.A. Hall - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (5):304-308.
    This article examines the technique and legality of induced abortion of one or more fetuses in a multiple pregnancy, where the aim is the destruction of some but not all of the fetuses present (selective reduction of pregnancy). It concludes that since the legal status of the procedure in English law is unclear, it may be a criminal offence to perform selective reduction even where there is an ostensible clinical need. Moreover if the procedure is carried out negligently, and any (...)
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    A Sketch Of The Manichaean Doctrine Concerning The Future Life.A. V. Williams Jackson - 1930 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 50:177-198.
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    On a Pahlavi Bowl-Inscription Deciphered by the Late E. W. West.A. V. Williams Jackson - 1907 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 28:345-348.
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  42. Filosofii︠a︡ Kanta v Rossii v kont︠s︡e XVIII--pervoĭ polovine XIX vekov.A. N. Kruglov - 2009 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  43. A Note on the Farmer's Law. Chapter 67'.A. E. Laiou - 1971 - Byzantion 41:197-204.
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  44. A. De Waelhens, "Schizophrenia".A. Medina - 1980 - Man and World 13 (3/4):447.
  45. Réponse à M. Gardair.A. D. Sertillanges - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 10:107.
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  46. Applikativnai︠a︡ grammatika kak semanticheskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ estestvennykg i︠a︡zykov.Sebastian Konstantinovich Shaumi︠a︡n - 1974
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    A look at CMAJ: A misty image indeed.A. R. Singh & S. A. Singh - 2006 - Mens Sana Monographs 4 (1):21.
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  48. A Treatise on Knowledge.A. H. Smith - 1943 - Mind 52 (208):331-344.
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  49. Mirʼāt al-murūwāt wa-aʻmāl al-ḥasanāt.ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad Thaʻālibī - 2003 - Bayrūt: Dār Lubnān lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Yūnus ʻAlī Madgharī.
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    A note on Russell and naive realism.A. P. Ushenko - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (25):819-820.
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